59. Rounding Rules
59. Rounding Rules TimeKeeper has an extensive set of rounding rules. By default, they are off in the system. They can be useful if you want to round time entries to the nearest X minutes, or exclude time worked before/after their scheduled hours. You may also use these settings to allow your employees a few minutes grace either side of clocking in or clocking out. There are a number of rounding settings available. “Count Time Worked Before ExpectedSome readers11. Setting an Employee's Working Pattern
11. Setting an employee working pattern In TimeKeeper, you can set up a working pattern for an employee. This is a set of expected start and end times on specific days, contractual hours, overtime settings along with a memorable name. These settings dictate when TimeKeeper will send clock in/out reminders, dictate what days employees are expected to work and can book off on leave, as well as how to calculate overtime correctlySome readers3. Clocking In On Mobile
3. Clocking In On Mobile Clocking in on mobile is as simple as opening the mobile app and logging in. On the clock tab, press clock-in and a photo will be taken on the front facing camera which is stored along with the local time. The system will perform facial recognition to verify that the employee is who they say they are, and to prevent buddy clock ins. Additionally, whenever an employee clocks in on mobile, GPS location is enabled and recSome readers47. Staff Timesheet Excel Report
47. Staff Timesheet Excel Report The Staff Timesheet report is a report for running timesheets off for many employees at once. This video will cover the TimeKeeper Excel report. We’ll run off a staff timesheet for the Fabrication team over a given date range. Once completed, TimeKeeper will generate and download a Microsoft Excel file. The Excel file contains multiple worksheets. The first worksheet “Employees Summary” gives a total ofSome readers6. Clocking In Via a Kiosk
6. Clocking in via a Kiosk With TimeKeeper, if you want to share one device between multiple employees, we have a feature called ‘Kiosk Mode’. This replaces traditional third party clock-in machines through the use of a tablet or mobile phone. The device is usually fixed to a wall near the main entry and exit point, and there is no limit to the number of devices you can link to an account. When an employee is added to TimeKeeper, they will recSome readers5. Switching Jobs Throughout the Day
5. Switching Jobs Throughout The Day If employees work on multiple jobs during the day, they can switch jobs in the app without losing time in-between. Once clocked in, they have the option to select a new job and 'Switch jobs'. If the job has a geofence enabled, they must be on site for the new job in order to switch to that job. This will automatically stop recording time on the timesheet for the previous job, and commence timing on the new jSome readers35. Approvals
35. Approvals TimeKeeper supports an approval process within the system. First this needs to be enabled in the settings panel. TimeKeeper supports up to 3 levels of approvals. You can select who can approve each level of the timesheet based on their level of authority. So for example, if you wanted a manager to approve level one and an administrator to have secondary final approval. Once approval settings are enabled, head to the Approvals report and seleSome readers12. Day Breaks vs Flexi Breaks
12. Day Breaks vs Flexi-Breaks In TimeKeeper, we have two types of breaks, Day Breaks or Flexi-Breaks. These are both unpaid breaks. The purpose of this feature is to allow employees to clock in at the start of their work, clock out at the end of their work and TimeKeeper takes care of automatically deducting the relevant break for that employee. If you are not using automated breaks, employees have to clock in and out for their breaks.Some readers10. Facial Recognition
10. Facial Recognition TimeKeeper has the ability to perform facial recognition on clock in and clock out for each employee. Whenever an employee first clocks into TimeKeeper, their first photo will be used as their profile image, provided it contains a face. Their next clock entry will compare that image versus their profile image via facial recognition to verify that the employee matches the employee in their profile photo. If the system detSome readers44. Roll Call Report
44. Roll Call Report The roll call report is used to check who was in or out at a specific date and time. You can specify certain jobs, locations or teams. This will output a list of employee names, along with their status at that point in time and any emergency assembly point details that you may need. You can export this roll call to CSV which will allow you to check that all employees are accounted for in the event of a fire. This is quite a usFew readers20. Managing Employees in the Directory
20. Managing Employees in the Directory The employee directory will show all of the active employees within your business. To show archived employees, you can do that by clicking the ‘Show Archived’ button. An archived employee is an employee account that has been paused. This means they currently do not have access to TimeKeeper and are not being billed for. This is particularly useful for temporary employees. To archive an empFew readers8. Submit Manual Timesheet
8. Submit Manual Timesheet Employees can be given access to submit their own timesheets manually via the app. From the Home or Services section, head to 'My Timesheet'. Tap the yellow 'plus' icon to create a new time entry. You can specify the start date and time, selecting AM or PM. You can then select the end date and time for this time entry. If employees are required to select a job on clock in, then a job must be selecFew readers11.2. Setting an Employee's Working Pattern (for Shift Workers)
11.2. Setting an employee working pattern (for shift workers) If your employee works shifts, TimeKeeper will use the rota for that week to determine their scheduled hours. In their working pattern, you can set their contracted hours and overtime settings, including multiple overtime rates for different days. You will also need to set which days they can book off on leave, and how many hours one leave day is equivalent to.Few readersForgot Your Password
Forgot your password If you have forgotten your password,then you can get a password reset email or text sent to your account. You can access this via the loginFew readers21. Setting up Teams
21. Setting Up Teams Employees can be configured into teams. For a given team, you can set a name, the employees in that team, who the manager of that team is along with the maximum number of employees who can be on leave at one time for that team. Additionally, TimeKeeper has an option for employees to view anonymous leave of any of their team colleagues on the wall calendar.Few readers55. Settings
55. General Settings The settings page allows you to configure how TimeKeeper works for your business. Some key general settings you should configure is your timezone, by default we use the London timezone. The First Day of the Working Week settings dictates how your timesheets are calculated. By default, we calculate timesheets from Monday to Sunday. If you need to change this, then change this setting to the first day of your working week. CFew readers27. Job Scheduling
27. Job Scheduling TimeKeeper has the ability to schedule jobs for employees. This can be helpful in preventing back and forth communication between employer and employee, on what job they are meant to be working on. The job scheduler shows each employee along the left side, for the current week. To schedule a job, just click on a day for an employee. This will ask you to specify the employees, the job and the dates they should be working. Once adFew readers15. One off Adjustments to Employee Leave via Time in Lieu
15. One off Adjustments to Employee Leave via Time in Lieu A common requirement for employees is to add one-off leave adjustments. The best way to achieve this is using the ‘time off in lieu’ functionality. So if you need to add or deduct days from that employee leave entitlement. This example shows me adding a deduction of 5 days for this employee, for the current leave year. When the current leave year ends, this time in lieu functionality wilFew readers11.3. Scheduling Shifts in Rota Planner
11.3. How to schedule shifts You can use the Rota Planner to assign shifts to your employees, if theFew readers40. Managing and Adding Employee Requests
40. Managing and Adding Employee Requests An administrator also has the ability to view any approved employee request as well as add a new one directly to the system. In this example, we’ll add a new mileage allowance for Aidan on a given date.Few readers16. Changing an Employee Leave from Days to Hours
16. Changing an Employee Leave from Days to Hours TimeKeeper supports employees booking off their leave either by days or by hours. By default, whenever an employee is created we mark them as their leave being managed in 'days' e.g. daily leave. However to change an employee from daily leave to hourly leave please see below.Few readersReset Employee Password
Reset Employee Password Administrators can reset an employee’s password directly from their profile if required. You will need to inform them what the new pasFew readers45. Employee Timesheet Report
45. Employee Timesheet Report The Employee Timesheet report is for viewing the timesheets for a specific employee over a given date range. TimeKeeper will take all of the clock entries for an employee, and calculate the correct number of regular and overtime hours for that employee over a defined period. Additionally, some high level overview statistics on lateness and absenteeism are shown on the overview screen. The “Timesheets” tab shoFew readers28. Submitting Employee Leave Requests in App
28. Submitting Employee Leave Requests To make a leave request, tap 'Request leave' on the Home Screen or the services section of the app. Select the leave start and end dates. If you're booking leave for a single day, you can select whether to request a full day or half day. You can select the type of leave you'd like to book, and view whether this will be paid or deducted from your entitlement. You have the option to leave a reasonFew readers2. Overview of TimeKeeper
2. Overview of TimeKeeper TimeKeeper is a paperless way to manage your employee time sheets and time off, as well as what jobs they are working on. It uses everyday devices such as a mobile phone, tablet, or desktop PC. Devices can be shared amongst staff, for example a tablet at entry and exit points, or can be installed on each individual’s mobile phone. Whenever an employee interacts with the system on any of these devices, all of that infoFew readers37. Creating a Custom Request Type
37. Creating a Custom Request Type This video is going to look into what employee requests are and how do you use them? Employee requests are for employees to request changes to their timesheet that needs to be approved by an administrator as well as more general things like submitting an allowance like mileage to be linked to their account. To add your own custom request type, you can do this via the Request Types section on the webFew readers38. Making an Employee Request in App
38. Making an employee request To make an employee request on the app, head to the 'Services' section and hit 'Make a Request'. When creating an Add Time Entry request it will ask for start and end time along with a job if required, along with a reason and photo attachment if required. Alternatively, you can make an Allowance request, in this case a Bonus being requested for £100 on a given date. The Modify Clock In/Out request allows you tFew readers19. Employee Clock In Access Settings
19. Employee Clock In Access In the Access & Permissions tab of an employee's profile are a number of settings that will dictate their access to what they can do in TimeKeeper. These include whether they can access the mobile app or not, whether they can clock in on web and a few other access settings. In this example, we set that this employee can access the mobile app, can clock in on mobile and requires GPS on mobile clock in. You can tFew readers23. Adding a Client
23. Adding a Client To add a client in TimeKeeper, just give that client a name and click “Save Client”. Clients can be linked to jobs, which can be helpful for reporting.Few readers14. Setting an Employee's Leave Entitlement
14. Setting employee leave entitlement In the employee profile, there is a section to set the leave for an employee. This allows you to set up what leave this employee is entitled to, that is if you want to use TimeKeeper’s leave functionality. This employee is entitled to 28 days, leave year starting from the 1st January and he can carry over a maximum of three days from one leave year to the next. So this employee will have 28 dFew readers31. Adding an Employee Leave Entry
31. Adding an employee leave entry The employee leave directory shows approved or added employee leave entries. You can also add new employee leave entries here. This example shows us booking an employee off on Annual leave for 5 days. Once added, TimeKeeper will notify that employee that a new leave entry has been added for them. The next video will show the wall calendar, which is a more visual way of displaying the same informationFew readers60. Invoices
60. Invoices If you visit the Billing page (under Account), you will see any invoices generated for your payments to TimeKeeper. You can access and download these invoices at any time.Few readers46. Staff Timesheet Preview Report
46. Staff Timesheet Preview Report The Staff Timesheet report is a report for running timesheets off for many employees at once. This video will cover the TimeKeeper preview report, and the next video will cover the Excel report. We’ll run off a staff timesheet for the Fabrication team over a given date range. Once completed, TimeKeeper will output each employee along with their regular and overtime hours for that period. We can click into aFew readers34. Managing Discrepancies
34. Managing Discrepancies Discrepancies also show up on the home screen. Typically these are things to investigate, that have been highlighted by TimeKeeper. These are typically events such as an employee has forgotten to clock out, and TimeKeeper has auto clocked them out. The administrator again can choose to ignore this discrepancy, or investigate the time entry in question. It’s a good practice to keep on top of discrepancies as they hiFew readers51. Leave Breakdown Report
51. Leave Breakdown Report The Leave Breakdown report allows you to generate an Excel report which contains all of the employee leave taken over a given date range. That Excel report will list each employee name, the leave type they were on, when that leave started and ended along with the colour of the leave in question. Each employees’ individual records are broken down into their own worksheet as well if you want to look at a specific empFew readers26. Setting a Geofence for a Job
26. Setting a Geofence for a Job TimeKeeper supports the ability for a job to be set up so that only employees within a certain distance of the site address can clock in and out. This prevents people from clocking into jobs for which they are not near to. To set up a job a geofence, follow the instructions below. Two steps are involved. Step 1. Enable Geofencing on Jobs Go to the 'Account' section of the web portal (https:/Few readers30. Creating a Custom Leave Type
30. Creating a Custom Leave Type You can create your own custom leave types via the “Leave Types” section of the web portal. When creating a leave type, we will ask you whether this is a paid or unpaid leave type and whether this leave type deducts from the employee remaining leave balance. Additionally, you can colour code this leave type and who can book this leave type. Now when adding employee leave, this leave type is available asFew readers7. Clocking in from Web
7. Clocking in from Web Another mechanism of clocking in is via a web browser. This is particularly useful for employees with a fixed workstation, such as those working from home or in the office. The ability to use the web portal for clock events can be toggled on or off for your employees. When using the web browser, there are no photos taken or GPS location information stored. Similarly to clocking in on mobile, the user simply selects a joFew readers42. Who's In
42. Who's In The Who’s In report is a live real-time report showing who’s currently clocked in across mobile and kiosks. The map on the right hand side will show the employee’s latest clock in location, if they clocked in with GPS. Each kiosk location will show on the left hand side, along with who’s clocked in at that location. Anyone who clocked in on mobile, will show the closest address we can find for their GPS coordinates on their clock-in. ThisFew readers9. Adding an Employee (Basic)
9. Adding an Employee (Basic) For employees to interact with TimeKeeper, they first must be added. Luckily this is quite straightforward. TimeKeeper only requires a few Basic Details when adding a new employee: Their Name Email and/or Phone Number Working Pattern (their contracted hours and the days and hours they are expected to work e.g Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm) Basic Access e.g. can they access and clock in to TimeKeeper on mobile ThFew readers25. Adding a Job
25. Adding a Job Adding a job is super simple. Enter in a job name and click 'Save Job'. This job will now be accessible for staff to log time against. Basic Details Job Number Unique job number that is linked to this job. Client Link this job to a client Site Address An address that is linked to this job. This will be used for directions to the job and if geofencing is enabled on your account, we will block any clock in attempts outFew readers22. Adding a New Kiosk Location
22. Adding a new Kiosk Location Within TimeKeeper, you can configure Kiosk Locations to link both your tablet and mobile clock-ins to. Each location is assigned a name and an address, with an optional geo-boundary around your location. Mobile clock-ins within this green boundary will be automatically associated with this Kiosk Location - locations cannot be used to block off-site clocks in, to achieve this you would need to set up geofenced jobFew readers48. Employee Lateness Absenteeism Report
48. Employee Lateness Absenteeism Report The Lateness/Absenteeism report will generate a report that allows you to detail how many times each employee has been absent, late or left early in a given period. You can run it off for everyone at once, or specific employees. For Jack’s report, we can see he left early twice, wasn’t late and didn’t have any absences. The subsequent worksheet will go into the events in question.Few readers32. Leave Wall Calendar
32. Leave Wall Calendar This is the employee leave wall calendar. This shows each employee down the left-hand side, and then the current days of the current month along the top. Any days that are highlighted are either days that have been booked off by an employee or pending leave requests. For example, Andrew here is booked off on holiday on the 6th of January, Jack is also booked off an annual leave for a number of days. If I wanted to addFew readers33. Managing Violations
33. Managing Violations If an employee fails facial recognition, this will show as a violation. These are shown on the home screen if you have any. The violations screen shows each employee along with the violation in question. Typically a violation is when an employee tries to clock in for another employee - or no face is present in the clock entry. The administrator has two options, they can either approve the violation which will hide that viFew readers52. Leave Overview Report
52. Leave Overview Report The Leave Overview report will show you how much remaining leave each employee has - be that in days or hours. This report can be exported to CSV if required.Few readers17. Basic Employee HR Details
17. Basic Employee HR Details TimeKeeper has some HR features within the system. These include uploading documents for an employee, setting their join date, leave date, emergency contact details. If you set their birthday date, we’ll show that on the leave wall calendar and if you set the join date, we’ll show you their work anniversary date on there too.Few readers49. Job Breakdown Report
49. Job Breakdown Report The Job Breakdown report allows you to look at time spent on a job level, over the history of that job or over a given date range. If we look at Andrew’s Construction in November 2021, we can see that there were 3 employees who worked on that job. Along with that, this will show the time spent by each employee on that job along with an estimated labour cost. The total job time and labour cost will show at the bottom ofFew readers39. Approving/Rejecting Employee Requests
39. Approving/Rejecting Employee Requests The Employee Requests section shows all pending employees requests to be approved or denied by an administrator. For this bonus request, I can view the details of the request. I can choose to decline that request along with a reason or approve that request. If approved, that bonus will be shown in the allowances section of that employee’s timesheet report.Few readers53. Staff Kiosk Pin List
53. Staff Kiosk Pin List If you need to find out what each employee’s relevant pin is for kiosk mode, then you can use this report. Administrators only have access to this report. You can search this list or export this to a CSV if you require.Few readers61. Cancelling Your Subscription
61. Cancelling your subscription If you would like to cancel your subscription for Timekeeper, then you can access this by going to the Account -Billing section and clicking the cancellation button. You will be asked to confirm your cancellation, and your subscription will end at the end of the current billing period.Few readers24. Job Directory
24. Job Directory The job directory shows all of the open jobs in the business. For each job, you can see the job name, job number and current status. If a job is behind it’s expected end date, it will show as running late. To show completed jobs, just click the “Show Completed” button. To mark a job as complete, just click the green tick icon. Alternatively, I can delete a job if I want to wipe that data from the system. You can also search by jobFew readers43. Employee Status Report
43. Employee Status Report The employee status report is also a live report, however it shows both employees who are clocked in and employees who are clocked out. Each employee will show their name, their current clock status, latest location and job if relevant. You can filter this employee to specific teams, specific jobs or specific clock statuses if you require.Few readers13. Creating a Reusable Working Pattern
13. Creating a reusable working pattern A working pattern within TimeKeeper dictates the expected start and end time of an employee. This can be very important dFew readers50. Job Snapshot Report
50. Job Snapshot Report The Job Snapshot report allows you to calculate how much time was spent on every job across a given date range. If we look at a given month, TimeKeeper will calculate how much time was spent on every job in that month along with an estimated job cost. You can drill into each of these jobs to get a more detailed view of which employees were working on this job and the employee timesheets.Few readers36. Viewing Employee Leave History
36. Viewing Employee Leave History To view an employee's leave history, click on their name on the wall calendar. This screen will show an overview of the employee leave status, along with a history of their leave. You can export this data to CSV if required or look back in previous years if you need to.Few readers29. Approving/Declining Employee Leave Requests
29. Approving/Declining Employee Leave Requests Managers and administrators can view employee leave requests on the TimeKeeper web portal and app. Under Leave Leave Requests, a list will appear with all open leave requests. You can view the information on this leave request, then approve or decline the request, with the option to provide a reason for declining. In the TimeKeeper app, pending requests can be viewed in the SFew readersGranting Support Access
Granting Support Access Support Access enables us to diagnose issues within your account. By granting us temporary read only access, we get a visual on the issue the user is seeing in their account. This allows us to identify and resolve it as quickly and efficiently as possible. If you would like to grant us support access, go to Account Support Support Access. You will be asked to select a duration, being an hour or a day. Once youFew readersTrialling TimeKeeper: Checklist
Your TimeKeeper Trial: Checklist for Admins When trialling a new solution, it can be challenging to know where to begin with the setup process. To make your onboarding experience as smooth and efficient as possible, we’ve created a checklist to help you hit the ground running on TimeKeeper. *Ensure to click save as you go along.Few readers