Add a Job
Adding a job is super simple. Enter in a job name and click 'Save Job'. This job will now be accessible for staff to log time against. Basic Details Job Number Unique job number that is linked to this job. Client Link this job to a client Site Address An address that is linked to this job. This will be used for directions to the job and if geofencing is enabled on your account, we will block any clock in attempts outside this area. ESome readers4. Clocking In With A Job
The default in TimeKeeper is to just clock in, however you can also clock in against a particular job. This will allow you to get insight into how much time is being spent on particular jobs for each member of staff. To enable clocking in against a job, you have to toggle a few settings as we describe below. Administrator Steps - Toggle Setting on Log in to the web portal and click 'Account' Once the account section loads, you will seSome readersDo I need to set up Jobs or Locations?
Do I need to set up Jobs or Locations? Before your employees start using TimeKeeper, you may need to set up either Jobs, Locations, or both. This guide should help you understand which options you need to configure, to get the most out of your reporting. What is a Location? Locations (previously called Kiosk Locations) are used to identify which of your business' sites a clock in came from. When setting up a tablet kiosk for multiple employees to clock in from, you'll be asked to sFew readersViewing Job Details in App
To view the details for a job, head to the Jobs tab and search for the job you need. Here you can see details including the client, job address and job description. You can view any uploaded documents, photos or notes here. You can also add photos, notes and signatures to a job here. Tap 'Clock with this job' to track time against this job.Few readersLogging and Viewing Job Signatures
Logging and Viewing Signatures on a Job Signatures can be helpful additions to Jobs that require a papertrail. Jobs in TimeKeeper don’t require Signatures as default, however they can be added. It’s also possible to enforce mandatory Job Signatures (such as sign off etc) before a Job can be marked as completed - this is configured in Settings. Once logged into the mobile app, under ‘Jobs’ select the particular Job you want to addFew readers