Setting up a Geofence for a Job
TimeKeeper supports the ability for a job to be set up so that only employees within a certain distance of the site address can clock in and out. This prevents people from clocking into jobs for which they are not near to. To set up a job a geofence, follow the instructions below. Two steps are involved. Step 1. Enable Geofencing on Jobs Go to the 'Account' section of the web portal ( readersInvestigating Android and iPhone GPS Issues
Having GPS trouble on an Android device? Some Android devices experience a "Location Request Timed out" issue when clocking in. This is an issue with getting a GPS signal on your phone - especially relevant to Android. Steps to take when investigating GPS Issues on Android devices Turn phone off/on. Turn GPS off/on. Be sure TimeKeeper is allowed to use your location. Settings Apps TimeKeeper Permissions Toggle Location ON. Disable any battery saver settings. IncludinFew readersGeofence Clock In FAQ
For additional security, you might want to set up geofences around certain jobs, to prevent employees clocking in and out when they are not on site. To do that, you can follow our simple user guide here. FAQS Will my employees be clocked in / out automatically when they enter the geofence? This simple answer to this is no. We do not track background location; in order to auto-clock your employFew readers