Articles on: Leave

Rollover/Setup Annual Employee Leave

TimeKeeper automatically rolls over annual leave based on individual employee leave figures at the end of the year. On completion, TimeKeeper will email an administrator to notify them that leave has been rolled over. The calculation for annual leave rollover is the following

New Leave = Leave Entitlement + MINIMUM(Remaining Leave at end of the year, Carry Over Days)

e.g. an employee with leave entitlement of 25 days, with remaining leave of 3 days at the end of the year and maximum 2 carry over days will be:

New Leave = 25 + MINIMUM(2,3) = 25 + 2 = 27 days

Please note, this will not revert back to the previous base leave in the following year. As the new entitlement would show 27 due to the carried over days, the entitlement would need to be manually reverted to 25 + any days rolled over for that year.

Updated on: 27/11/2024

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