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11.2. Setting an Employee's Working Pattern (for Shift Workers)

11.2. Setting an employee working pattern (for shift workers)

If your employee works shifts, TimeKeeper will use the rota for that week to determine their scheduled hours. In their working pattern, you can set their contracted hours and overtime settings, including multiple overtime rates for different days. You will also need to set which days they can book off on leave, and how many hours one leave day is equivalent to.

Breaks for Shift Workers

You can include a break with each shift if you'd like this to automatically deduct from their time worked. Once clocked in for that shift, the set break time will be deducted from their timesheet.

You can also enable a Flexi-Break for shift workers. These breaks are deducted after a certain number of hours worked by an employee in a day, instead of being at a specific time, and will take into account all hours worked during that day even if split across multiple shifts. Additionally, you can have multiple rules such as after 8 hours, deduct 45 minutes. TimeKeeper will choose which rule to apply, for example if I worked 7 hours, 30 minute break would be deducted, while if I worked 9 hours, 45 minutes break would be deducted.

If your employee works a set schedule every week, you can set their fixed Working Pattern using the guide here

How to schedule shifts in the rota planner

TIP: Hold the 'Shift' key whilst clicking and dragging on the left hand border of a shift, to copy and paste it into a new cell on the rota.

Updated on: 22/07/2024

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