Articles on: Activities

Tracking Time Against Activities


When an employee clocks into a Job, they can they can specify an activity within. This activity will now be available to log time against, and can be switched throughout the day as their work day and tasks progress.

This setting can be enabled in the global account settings under 'Clock Entry Settings'. When enabled, the employee will clock into a Job and then be prompted to select an Activity within that job. Administrators, managers and the employee will be able to see what activity they are currently clocked into and the timesheet will update accordingly.

The purpose of this feature is to provide visibility on how much time is being spent on specific activities within jobs.

In the Job Breakdown Report, within 'Activity Summary', time can be tracked on a more granular level, providing insight into how much time is being spent on an activity within a job by members of staff.

Similarly, in the Employee Timesheet Report, you will be able to see how much time a particular employee has spent on an Activity.

How do I add an Activity?

Just follow the steps below.

Go to the Configure section
Select the Activities section
Enter in the Activity details & click save.

Basic Details

Activity Name
Name of the activity

Activity Number (Optional)
Unique number that is linked to this activity.

Restricted vs Unrestricted Activities

Activities within a job can be restricted. For example, it can be configured that when an employee clocks into a job, only certain activities are available for them to clock into on that job. When activities are not restricted for a given job, all activities appear as options to clock into.

How do I restrict activities within a Job?

Go to Configure section and click on Jobs.
Click on the particular Job in which you would like to restrict the Activities.
In the Basic Details section, scroll down and click on 'Restrict Activities available on this job'.
In the example below, the only activities available for employees to carry out in this job are Cleaning (6122) and Plumbing (3488).

If you have any questions or queries on the Activities feature, drop us an email at

Updated on: 28/08/2024

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