Articles on: Training Video Series

6. Clocking In Via a Kiosk

6. Clocking in via a Kiosk

With TimeKeeper, if you want to share one device between multiple employees, we have a feature called ‘Kiosk Mode’.

This replaces traditional third party clock-in machines through the use of a tablet or mobile phone. The device is usually fixed to a wall near the main entry and exit point, and there is no limit to the number of devices you can link to an account.

When an employee is added to TimeKeeper, they will receive a unique four digit PIN which they will use to clock in and out of the system.

As demonstrated with the PIN 1, 2, 3, 4, this employee has successfully clocked in as shown in the Welcome message.

If required, they can select a job before clocking in to ensure their hours are logged on the appropriate timesheet.

The keypad will automatically appear again for the next employee to clock in on the same device.

Updated on: 22/07/2024

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