Articles on: Training Video Series

22. Adding a New Kiosk Location

22. Adding a new Kiosk Location

Within TimeKeeper, you can configure Kiosk Locations to link both your tablet and mobile clock-ins to.

Each location is assigned a name and an address, with an optional geo-boundary around your location. Mobile clock-ins within this green boundary will be automatically associated with this Kiosk Location - locations cannot be used to block off-site clocks in, to achieve this you would need to set up geofenced jobs instead. Your tablet kiosks will be linked to a Kiosk Location on initial setup, so every clock in through that tablet will be associated with that location.

TimeKeeper will then be able to tell you in real-time who has clocked in or out at each company location.

To set up a new location, simply perform the following:

Log in to the TimeKeeper portal

Select Locations in the Side Navigation bar

Click the 'New Location' button

Enter a Location Name, Address and Geofence Radius, and Press 'Save Location'

You will see a message confirming your location has been added and will see a list of all Locations listed in the system

How to link a kiosk to a default job

You may want your employees to clock into a kiosk, and have all those clock ins linked to one job, without the need to select a job from the dropdown.

To do this, first set the default job under 'Automatically link clock ins to this job:'

You can now turn off the 'Require job on clock in' setting under Account > Settings. This removes the dropdown field from the clock in screen, so employees no longer select a job on clock in - their clock in will automatically be linked to the default job you have set.

Please note if you leave the 'Require job on clock in' setting on, and they select a job which is different to the default, their clock in will be linked to their selected job.

Updated on: 22/07/2024

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