Articles on: Training Video Series

9. Adding an Employee (Basic)

9. Adding an Employee (Basic)

For employees to interact with TimeKeeper, they first must be added. Luckily this is quite straightforward.

TimeKeeper only requires a few Basic Details when adding a new employee:

Their Name
Email and/or Phone Number
Working Pattern (their contracted hours and the days and hours they are expected to work e.g Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm)
Basic Access e.g. can they access and clock in to TimeKeeper on mobile

That's it, if you just want to add those basic details (read on below for more details) then click 'Save Employee' and that's them added.

Employee Photo

You can add a profile photo for an employee which we will use as a base reference for facial recognition if enabled.

Alternatively if left blank, we'll use their first clock in image as their profile photo if facial recognition is enabled.

What happens when an employee is added?
2 things - the employee will get an email or text (depending on whether you added email or phone number) indicating their:

Unique 4 digit pin - used to they can clock in to the Timekeeper kiosk

An invite to TimeKeeper - this invite allows them to set up their password. Once accepted, they now have access to the TimeKeeper portal and the mobile app if you have enabled them to.

Working Pattern

Eligible for Overtime
Whether they get paid overtime

Overtime Rate
1.5 = time and a half overtime rate

Multiple Overtime Rates
Configure different overtime rates for different days

Unpaid Breaks

If you add unpaid breaks to TimeKeeper, we will automatically deduct this from the employee timesheet provided they are clocked in past this time.

If you want employees to clock in/out for their breaks, then don't add an unpaid break here.

Below is an example of a 30 minute break at 1pm, except on Fridays where it doesn't apply as they only work to 1pm on Fridays.


TimeKeeper can also manage your holiday and leave management for your employees. To do this, you would:

Leave Entitlement
The number of days this staff member is entitled to.

Holiday Start Date
Date the employee holidays take effect from e.g. 1st January 2019 would mean this runs from 1st January 2019 - 31st January 2019

Carry Over Days
A maximum number of days a staff member can carry over into the next holiday year from their remaining holiday

Access & Permissions

Within TimeKeeper, you can set the manager for an employee. By setting a manager, this person can:

Notified and approve/decline Leave Requests for this employee.

Review timesheets for this employee although they can't see pay information for this employee.

_Note for a employee to be a manager they have to have the "This employee is a manager box ticked in their employee profile"_

Access Rights
You can also configure whether this employee can access the mobile app, and if you allow them to clock in from the mobile.

Updated on: 22/07/2024

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